Monday 7 March 2016

Industrial Revolution


The 1.Industrial revolution  took place from the 18th to 19th century. It was a time where everything was once a time of rural spaces and agriculture. In this time, the world continued to develop towards becoming industrial and urban. There were major changes in manufacturing and transportation which changed the era from agriculturally based to a strong technological change. 



My mood board is a reflection of the industrial revolution period. I wanted to capture all elements of the era with a few pictures. It was a time where everything was developing at a fast pace. Lots of machine work and inventions of new machines to help in this fast time. The colours in this time period at the beginning were quite minimal and dark but in the end, of the ear, they began to brighten because of improvement of inventions and dyes.



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"Modern Times is a 1936 comedy film written and directed by Charlie Chaplin in which his iconic Little Tramp character struggles to survive in the modern, industrialized world."


The 2.white middle class found many the increase in jobs throughout this time. Lots of mills and factories employed the white middle class for their new working men as the rise in demand for products and machinery began to boom. But this had downfalls as it meant longer working hours, harder labour and learning how to work on quick machines.   


Although long hours, hard conditions and child labour was not new to this era it was the rise in the amount of people having these downfalls due to the huge boom in products and machines. 

As well as children, the 3.woman in the industrial revolution were also sent to work married or single. The conditions like the men were not ideal. The woman was sent to work in textile, and workshops.           3.


Adam Smith vs. Karl Marx - The Industrial Revolution Philosophers



Below is a prezi slideshow about the cultral and economic imapcts of the industrial revolution


There were limited brick and missionary found in the industrial revolution due to the excessive use of the gothic revival and other periods where most buildings were mate from stones or bricks.  Because of the limitations, Mass production of iron and steel was made. It was being made in such huge quantities making architecture and design lighter and bigger with more open spaces. Making iron and steel an economical choice of material at the time. 

Much Iconic building were built with iron before it became available for public use such as:

Effile tower

Gustave Eiffel, The Eiffel Tower, 1889. Iron, wood, glass, Paris

Eads bridge st Louis 

theelephantbridgetest.blogspot.com800 × 331Search by image

Hells gate bridge

bridges Archives - Brownstoner Queens queens.brownstoner.com650 × 473

Penn Station NYC

Crystal palace  London 

Crystal Palace, 1851 World Exhibition, London

The Crystal Palace

The Crystal palace was designed by Sir Joesph Paxton, for the great exhibition in 1851 . The exhibition was held in hyde park and the palace was built purposly for the event. It was organised by Prince Albert for his wife Queen Victoria. The exhibition was to show off all the new inventions made in that time , showing off their modern designs and ideas to the world. 

The palace measured 564 meters by 138 meters it was the largest building of its time. It was a unique build as it showed off the mass production of steel and its strength with its cast iron and plate glass structure. Which was so unique giving it the name of the crystal palace. After people had seen the magnificent building, people wanted their residential homes to be built in a similar manner.  

Before the industrial revolution buildings took years to make and builders had to be incredibly skilled in manipulating materials. Because of the wholesale advantage steel had, the manufacturing was quicker and the production was easier making it faster and safer way to build. 


Saturday 27 February 2016


Ancient Greece: 

The earliest Ancient greek civilisations were documented to be from two different areas, one of which the mainland Greece and the other the island of Crete.  The Crete people were called Minoan, even though they were not Greek themselves they had a huge influence on the Greek culture and upbringing of the country.  It was a wealthy island and the greeks took a lot of their culture and Architecture in the building of their own country.    Cadogan, Gerald, 1992, " Ancient and Modern Crete," in Myers et al., 1992, Aerial Atlas of Ancient Crete

The greek people on the mainland of Greece were originally called the Mycenaean  they settled there around 2000 BC.        Bryne, S (2007)..Greek History facts for Kids, Retrieved from


My mood board is a reflection of the time period. I wanted to capture all elements of the era with a few pictures. It was a structured time with the exception of everything still being new, and lots of limited colour pallets were being used. (as seen below) 


Greek religion had a huge influence in all forms of architecture, art and a lot of the way the civilisation lived as a group. It was a time where the religion was important and many temples and shrines were dedicated to that of these Greek gods. 


There were 12 main greek gods that were talked about at this time, they were known as the Olympians. They represented every form of human life;

All 12 gods were retrieved texts from: 


Aphrodite was the goddess of beauty, love, pleasure and procreation. 

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APOLLON (or Apollo) 

Apollo was the god of prophecy and oracles. He was also known for music and poetry and was occasionally blamed for plague and disease. 
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Ares was known as the god of war and battles.
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Artemis was the god of hunting and keeper of wild animals. She was also known as the goddess of childbirth and the keeper of the girl up until it was time for marriage.
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ATHENE (or Athena)

Athena was the goddess of the wise, she was known for her heroic behaviour and was the councillor of the great Olympians.
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Demeter was the goddess of agriculture and growth. She was the provider of fresh produce and water to mankind.
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DIONYSOS (or Dionysus)

Dionysos was the god of wine, pleasure and festivity. He was often known to always be occupied by a group or devotees.
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Hephaistos was the god of fire and was known as a sculptor and builder. 
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Hera was known as the queen of the Olympians she was in control of marriage for mankind and Olympus. She was also the goddess of the sky and heaven.
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Hermes was the god of thievery, persuasion, contests and games. 
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Poseidon was the great god of water he was in charge of all liquid substances including the sea, rivers and natural disasters.
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Zeus like Hera was the king of the gods, he was the god of the sky, weather and the laws in Olympia and Greece. 
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Social, Philosophical, Technological and Cultural Changes and Influences in ancient Greece. 


The Olympics was a huge social event in ancient Greece it was a tribute to the Olympus gods and the king of gods Zeus. The events would include; running, jumping throwing and equestrian. It was a battle of the fittest to show their support for the gods and there community. According to records, the first Olympics was held in Olympia in 776 BC.

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The Greeks were thought of as very smart people, it is to be considered that they were the inventors of philosophy. It was a first to be able to decipher something without religion or myths and by just using your brain. Philosophy translated means "the love of wisdom"   Bryne, S (2007)..    The Greeks began to ask a lot of questions in their daily life, they came up with many theories that are still practiced today. Such as mathematics, Atoms and Socrates which has influenced the modern day life hugely without this original philosophy's the modern way of life would not be the same. The Greeks were also amongst some of the first people to study medicine as a way to cure the ill. The most famous doctor of that time was called Hippocrates he realised a way to cure his patients in an ethical way. This is still practiced today in modern time and to take the "Hippocrates oath" is to uphold all medical ethics while practicing.  Nelson, Ken. (2016). Ancient Greece for Kids: Science and TechnologyDucksters. Retrieved from 


The greeks, as well as there love for knowledge, were also very practical people. They had an interest in making inventions and made many things that added their life at that time. 


As stated above the island of Crete had a huge influence on the greek people as did the Romans. A large majority of their the popular culture at that time was taken from the Crete. It was a growing and fast paced time and due to all the knowledge being learnt during that time it was an ever changing time with more and more understanding of what was happening around them. Because of this a lot of people are said to say that the Romans stole a lot of their knowledge and used it for their own community. 
   retrieved from:
  Greek History facts for Kids, Retrieved from


Greek architecture was often based around and built for worshiping the greek Olympus gods. The structure of their design was very linear and used a lot of columns to hold up their structures.  They used 3 different types of columns: Doric, Ionic and Corinthian which were all used for different elements in the building. The Doric was the oldest and most simple order and was used around the base. The Ionic order was smaller and more decorative and used at the tops of buildings where the Corinthian was the most elaborate of the 3 and was used in the capital to display wealth.

The greeks built temples to worship their gods, like the Temple of Artemis above it was built of the king of Olympus, Zeus and was built to an elaborate scale. It was completed in 430 BC and has stood to the test and still be seen today all though there is no colour on the building today.  There is a building dedicated to each of the 12 gods.


This mood board I made was a reflection of the stone and marble that was frequently used in ancient Greece. because it was a reflective space I wanted cool colours with pops of red and blue.


I decided to choose a chapel because I was very interested in how the greeks would devote whole architecture to their gods. I have kept it plain so that whoever is in the hospital can worship who  they please and is not set to one religion. I have used lots of windows because the greeks built very open spaces. I have incorporated a few arches because although the Romans claim to have built them they originated from the greek style.